The Diagnostic Center at Medical Centers the Medici covers a wide range of medical investigations. The facilities include diagnostic imaging, a laboratory, and specialized diagnostic tests.
We employ academic staff educated in Poland by leading academic institutions, mainly the Medical University of Lodz, one of the largest universities in the country.


In our facility you can count on a full range of research and professional services.


Diagnostic imaging is the primary method of diagnosing patients in modern medicine.  We offer MRI, CT scan, X-ray, ultrasound and mammography.


Our Medical Laboratory has extensive diagnostic capabilities and many years of experience in the medical market in our city.


Additional tests in the form of a series of specialist tools are at the highest level. This gives the doctors working in our medical center the freedom to make decisions regarding the diagnosis and treatment of patients.


We invite you to familiarize yourself with the full range of our facility.



In order to obtain full information, we invite you to contact us by:

Monday – Friday form 9 am to 8 pm.


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